Core News

Core News

【生物資訊教育訓練課程】Partek Flow RNA/scRNA定序數據分析實作課程
Posted on 2024-05-15

【Workshop 2024】 Core’s tech updates and PacBio Kinnex
Posted on 2024-05-01

NGSCore  New Price Launched 服務費用更新
Posted on 2024-05-01

Illumina Sequencing 促銷優惠
Posted on 2023-11-01

[PacBio]   New App Launched – Multiplexed Arrays Sequencing
Posted on 2024-01-05

[Technology workshop]  PacBio Kinnex Applications Workshop
Posted on 2023-12-21

NGScore 服務條款與聲明更新
Posted on 2023-11-23

【生物資訊教育訓練課程】臺灣 Spatial Technologies 數據分析研討會
Posted on 2023-10-13

Posted on 2023-06-26

Technology seminar for 3D-Genomes
Posted on 2023-06-26

10X Genomics Technical Topics— Single cell and spatial transcriptome new knowledge and application sharing
Posted on 2023-05-05

【2022 OpenHouse】Seeing the Forest through the Trees – Exploring the Cellular Diversity of Life.
Posted on 2022-10-24

2022 NGS Service & Introductory Workshop
Posted on 2022-10-07

Various 10x Genomics applications now available
Posted on 2021-09-02

Launching of illumina NextSeq2000 Service

Posted on 2021-03-12

Special Discount For Users Paying by AS Intramural Funding
Posted on 2020-07-08

Our new GridION is up and running
Posted on 2020-06-09

Spatial Transcriptome: A Novel Technology is Now Available at NGS Core
Posted on 2020-06-03

Posted on 2019-03-06

NGS Service & Introductory Workshop
Posted on 2018-10-25

Launching of the 3rd-Gen sequencing service of PacBio Sequel system
Posted on 2016-10-04

Lectures & Workshops

[Workshop 2024]   Core’s tech updates and PacBio Kinnex

[Technology workshop]  PacBio Kinnex Applications

[Bioinformatics Education and Training Course]
Taiwan Spatial Technologies Data Analysis Seminar

PacBio Bioinformatics Education and Training Series Courses

2022 NGS Service & Introductory Workshop

Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations in Relation to Forest Management, and Roles of Termites in Forest Ecosystem

PacBio Workshop: Empowering Sequencing With Highly Accurate Long Reads

AS Core Facilities Promotion Briefings

Core Workshop: NGS Services and Introduction

Bionano Genomics Technology And Applications: A Solution To Produce Chromosome-scale De Novo Genome Assemblies

10x GENOMICS Technology And Applications: Introduction of 10X Chromium System

The Most Comprehensive View of Genomes and Transcriptomes by PacBio SMRT Sequencing