新世代基因體定序核心設施是2008年生多中心自設設施,為支持國家型生質能研究計劃的菌種定序而成立,之後在當時核酸定序使用者委員會的推動下,於 103 年 5 月納入本院共用儀器設施,開放服務全院同仁,並於2019年加入全院性核心設施計畫。 Next Generation Sequencing 為目前全球廣泛使用的高通量定序技術,以二代PCR放大訊號或三代單分子訊號進行大量平行定序,快速產出大量的 fastq 序列檔案。 本核心設施現有二代Illumina高準確度短片段定序儀,高通量HiSeq2500和NextSet2000,以及微生物總體基因體定序MiSeq的機型。也有長片段的三代單分子定序儀PacBio Sequel以及Oxford Nanopore GridION平台。此外,我們近期建立了10x Genomics單細胞平台和最新的空間轉錄體定序,拓展多元化的應用。 我們提供專精的NGS實驗規劃和客製化的NGS樣品建庫和定序,服務學術應用和科研需求。 請到 Services & Prices 了解我們的服務範疇及相關資訊;欲申請服務送件請至 LIMS系統 申請PI帳戶、點選服務內容。線上申請NGS服務後,我們將與您聯繫,並安排收件。 |
About Sequencing
Genome is the basis of all living creatures throughout evolution. Using massive parallel sequencing, NGS can generate huge amounts of data efficiently at low unit cost. We operate several major NGS platforms – Illumina (2nd-Gen high-output, short-read sequencing), NanoPore ONT(3rd-Gen sequencing) and PacBio (3rd-Gen long-read single molecule sequencing). These platforms have their best-suited applications, and can also be customized complimentarily for each project’s unique needs.
Our NGS Genomics core lab was established at Biodiversity Research Center in 2008 as a project-based research core facility while also accept other requests. In 2013 we were promoted to the representative NGS Core for Academia Sinica through competition, and began campus-wide NGS service since 2014.
We have operated all major NGS platforms, including Roche 454 GS+(Retired), Illumina GA IIx HiSeq2500(Retired), iSeq(Retired), MiSeq, NextSeq2000 (2021Launched), Nanopore ONT GridION (2020Launched),and added PacBio Sequel system in late 2016. In addition to popular NGS applications, we have also enabled many specialized applications, including R&D for protocol customization and development to meet the diversified and peculiar needs for various genome/transcriptome projects.
We are housed in the Interdisciplinary Building of Academia Sinica. Our core has won “Excellent Performance Core” in 2015, 2016, and 2017 for high quality NGS service.