PacBio System-old

Effective Date: 2023.11.1  Update:2023.11.1

Special Offers! An Extra 10% Discount on All NGS Services for Users Paying by AS Intramural Funding!

PacBio Sequel Library Prep Services

Fees of sample QC test would be additionally charged depending on services.

Amplicon SequencingCharge (NTD)
per Prep
AS Intramural
(P-A)Full-length 16S Barcoded Amplicon Prep (Multiplexing 1-step PCR)1,3001,170
(P-Bx)Barcoded Amplicon Prep (Multiplexing 2nd PCR)1,5001,350
(P-By)Barcoded Amplicon Prep (Multiplexing 2-steps PCR)2,1001,890
(P-C)Plasmid/Amplicon DNA SMRTbell Lib Prep (Barcoded Adapter Ligation)8,5007,650
Whole Genome SequencingCharge (NTD)
per Prep
AS Intramural
(P-D)Ultra Low-input DNA SMRTbell Prep, HiFi (Gel-plus 10-20KB)28,00025,200
(P-G)Genomic DNA SMRTbell Prep, CLR (10-100KB)13,40012,060
(P-H)Genomic DNA SMRTbell Prep, HiFi (5-50KB)12,90011,610
(P-Hx)Multiplexed Microbial DNA SMRTbell Prep, HiFi (Gel-free 5-25KB; 1ug input; minimal 4 samples)9,2008,280
RNA Iso-SeqCharge (NTD)
per Prep
AS Intramural
(P-I)RNA Iso-Seq SMRTbell Lib Prep12,30011,070
(P-Ix)RNA Iso-Seq Prep (Multiplexed cDNA)5,3004,770
(P-Jx)RNA FLEP-Seq Prep (Multiplexed cDNA)8,7007,830

MAS-seqCharge (NTD)
per Prep
AS Intramural
(P-M)MAS-Seq SMRTbell Prep for FL16S (per amplicon pool)25,00022,500
(P-N)MAS-Seq SMRTbell Prep for Bulk Iso-Seq (per sample)24,30021,870
(P-MSC)MAS-Seq SMRTbell Prep for 10X Single Cell (MAS prep only)27,50024,750
(P-MVS)MAS-Seq SMRTbell Prep for Visium (MAS prep only)27,50024,750

#More about MAS-Seq: Kinnex full-length RNA kit, Kinnex 16S rRNA kit, Kinnex single-cell RNA kit.