Terms of Service and Statement 服務條款與聲明

Update: 2023.11.23_v4


  1. 高通量基因組核心服務

    BRCAS 設施的 NGS 高通量基因組核心服務由中央研究院基金支持,並提供高通量定序服務。 為維持資料品質與一致性,當出現潛在疑難或錯誤時,我們可能不會提供外包定序作為疑難排解的選項。

  2. 服務類型及應用

    本設施提供廣泛的服務類型與應用。 在提交您的案例及樣品前,請確保所選的申請項目符合您的專案需求。 如您有任何疑問或需要更改之處,請立即與我們聯繫。 一旦開始進行實驗流程,使用者就須承擔相關的實驗費用。

  3. 樣品評估和處理費

    樣品評估與處理費用根據 NGS 核心 QC 標準訂定,包括 Qubit 定量、片段分析(FA、Femto 或 BioA)及 qPCR。 當樣品不符合允收標準,且使用者選擇在此條件下繼續進行,則該案例將被歸類為高風險案件。 使用者必須充分了解失敗的風險及同意相關的實驗費用。

  4. 珍貴樣品處理

    使用者提供之樣品,特別是珍貴樣品,例如:少量樣品或細胞/組織樣品,建議使用者/申請人親自交付。 對於樣品可能於運輸過程中造成的損壞或不當儲存導致的實驗失敗,我們不承擔相關責任。

  5. 定序結果與特定平台分析

    本設施提供的定序結果由各個定序平台取得。 我們提供於特定平台的分析模組:包括 PacBio、10x 和相關成像。 有關更多信息,請參閱服務列表和特定於平台的部分。

  6. 資料、樣品保留與責任

    由於本核心設施儲存容量有限, 保存於冷藏/冷凍櫃之樣品,及保存於伺服器之定序資料,預計僅可保存兩年。使用者有責任及時檢索定序資料、將其備份並妥善保管。

  7. 客製化需求


Terms of Service and Statement

  1. High Throughput Genomic Core Services

    The NGS High Throughput Genomic Core at BRCAS facility is supported by AS funds and offers high-throughput sequencing services. To maintain data quality and consistency, we may not provide default options for exclusive outsourced sequencing in the event of potential troubleshooting.

  2. Service Types and Applications

    We provide a wide range of service types and applications. Please ensure that the chosen application aligns with your project’s requirements before submitting your case and samples. If you have any doubts or need to make changes, please contact us immediately. Once an operation has been initiated, the user assumes responsibility for the associated experiment costs.

  3. Sample Assessment and Processing Fees

    Sample assessment and processing fees are determined based on the NGS Core QC standards, including Qubit quantification, Fragment Profile (FA, Femto, or BioA), and qPCR. If a sample does not meet these standards, and the user chooses to proceed under such conditions, the case is classified as high-risk. Users must understand the risk of failure and consent to the relevant experiment costs.

  4. Handling Precious Samples

    For precious samples, such as those with low quantities or cell/tissue samples, it is advisable for the user/applicant to deliver them in person. We are not responsible for experimental failures potentially associated with damages or improper storage during shipping.

  5. Sequencing Results and Platform-Specific Analyses

    The sequencing results provided by our facility consist of sequence files acquired from each platform. We offer platform-specific analysis modules, including PacBio, 10x, and related imaging. For further information, please refer to the service list and the platform-specific sections.

  6. Data Retention and Responsibility

    Due to limited storage capacity within the core, samples will be stored in our freezers, and sequencing data will be archived on our servers for two to three years. However, it is the user’s responsibility to retrieve the sequencing data in a timely manner and duplicate them in their own lab for safekeeping.

  7. Customized Needs

    For any customized requirements, please refer to the “Customized Needs Agreement” and provide consent as applicable.